Great work by Queensland Law Society in protecting the public from the scourge and rise of fake lawyers.

It is an offence under s24 of the Legal Profession Act to give any form of legal advice if you are not a registered Australian Legal Practitioner.

It is not enough to have a law degree or simply some experience within the law even within other professional spheres. You must have a license to give legal advice.  The licencing is an important and comprehensive vetting process which confirms the credentials and suitability of a person to give legal advice.

If you are not a Registered Australian Legal Practitioner and you are giving legal advice you can be fined, and even jailed for breaching this provision.

No Practicing Certificate = No sleep, No Code of Legal Conduct, No Ethical Codes, No Insurance, No Legal Professional Privilege, No Legal Confidentiality, No Fidelity Guarantee Fund, & Bad Advice.

If someone is giving you legal advice, check to see if they are licensed by visiting the Find a Solicitor search feature on the QLS website.

To read more, see this media release from QLS calling for the public to take care when seeking legal advice, and to be mindful of unlawful legal practice.