A new start after 60: ‘I became a father again at 61. Imagine the joy that gives me!’

When you’re in love, age doesn’t matter. Jim Mason proves this by becoming a parent at the age of 61. Mason bought a clock because he wanted to give it to his daughter to remember him. Read the entire article, click here: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/nov/15/a-new-start-after-60-i-became-a-father-again-at-61-imagine-the-joy-that-gives-me

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Mislaid Power of Attorney?

This story from England about a bank misplacing essential documents, highlights the importance of keeping up to date records and the impact that a lost power of attorney can have. Fortunately, in Queensland under s45 of the Powers of Attorney Act it is possible to rely on a certified copy or even have QCAT certify the missing original. If you […]

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Boomerang boomers: the over-50s moving back in with their parents

Financial and relational problems caused by Covid are leading an increase in elderly people returning to live with relatives in the UK. According to experts, the Covid epidemic has resulted in an increase in the number of baby boomers moving back in with their elderly parents in the United Kingdom. Follow this link at https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/oct/25/boomerang-boomers-the-over-50s-moving-back-in-with-their-parents.

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Malnourished aged care residents left to fend for themselves during COVID outbreaks

As the number of COVID-19 aged care deaths reached 806, families of senior people who died in last year’s St Basil’s outbreak slammed the federal government for publishing the report on Melbourne Cup Day and for failing to recognise federal responsibility for the sector. Follow this link to read more: https://www.theage.com.au/politics/federal/malnourished-aged-care-residents-left-to-fend-for-themselves-during-covid-outbreaks-20211102-p59592.html.html If you require assistance or wish to consult, please contact […]

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